Monday, November 7, 2016

Assignment for Final Semester Essay, DUE NOVEMBER 29th!

                                                 The Giver Rhetorical Analysis

This assignment has you writing at least a three-page response to The Giver. You must include Paragraph One, Paragraph Two, and the Conclusion. You must choose three other paragraphs from the list below for a total of six paragraphs.

Paragraph One: Introduction

Choose a topic to discuss in relation to Lowry’s novel that interests you. Here are some examples of banished items or concepts in the novel: love, hate, religion, pain, music, dancing, books or literacy, art, history, memories of the past, war, protest, rudeness, race, color, vehicles, climate, and biological families.

What does Lowry seem to argue in relation to the topic that you have chosen? In your introduction, use the Oxford English Dictionary to define your essay’s topic. Use the definition as a springboard or catalyst for your essay’s thoughts. Starting off with a definition lets the reader know that you are laser-focused on the particular theme you have chosen.

Paragraph 2: Rhetorical Analysis

Does The Giver succeed or fail in its rhetorical argument? How can you tell? Choose three characters to represent the use of pathos, ethos, and logos. Discuss them at length. Review our definitions to refresh your memory of Aristotle’s appeals.

Paragraph 3: Visual Rhetoric

How does the film version of The Giver use visual rhetoric to persuade the viewing audience? What aspect of the film stands out to you in your memory as being the most compelling or striking scene? Why? Talk about this.

Paragraph 4: Sameness

Define the term “Sameness” in this novel as used by Lowry. Why is Sameness a bad thing in this novel? Why is it evil? Why is it dangerous? Explain. Discuss in depth.

Paragraph 5: Politics

Think about our current global or national politics as they are somehow connected to the ideas that you are discussing in your essay. Tie in the current global or national politics in this paragraph. For example, if you are writing about the idea of a false sense of “safety” that exists within the community of The Giver, it might work well to focus this paragraph on a discussion of the recent Paris attacks last year on Nov. 13th and how those attacks affect Americans and our local communities here in the U.S. You do not have to do any research for this paragraph, but be sure to prove that you are “at the party” in terms of paying attention to what is going on in the world or current events so that you can write coherently on the topic you have selected. Know the facts!

Paragraph 6: History

Do some historical research that is relevant to your topic. Include it here. Be sure to cite sources in the text of your essay as well as on the works cited page.

Paragraph 7: Personal Narrative

Share a personal narrative. This story should help to further prove your point and strengthen your argumentation and should relate somehow to your overall theme.

Paragraph 8: Conclusion

Restate your main assertion and leave the reader with an interesting thought or question.

MINIMUM 3 pages total. Highlighted paragraphs are required. You choose three other paragraphs from the list.

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