Monday, December 12, 2016

Night By Elie Wiesel Movie Trailer

Class, those of you wanting to get a preview of next semester might want to start with this trailer. We will be moving away from fiction for the month of January and into some non-fiction. One of the readings for the month will be Night by Elie Weisel, one of the most heart-wrenching stories I have ever read. This is a short novel,but very powerful. Our theme for the month will be exploring "Civil Disobedience." We will read works by Anne Frank, Henry David Thoreau, and Martin Luther King, Jr alongside this memoir. We will also incorporate some of the major historical movements surrounding these writings because writing is interdisciplinary. It is not limited to the English classroom. We will write letters to our Congressman, short historical biographies, and rhetorical analysis. Of course, I will also bring in one of our liveliest genres for protest: music. In the meantime, look around you and make connections between literature and our world. Words are constantly thrown at us from all angles. Let's take a moment to stop and listen to what they are telling us. Make sure you remember the rhetorical analysis tricks I've taught you. Are these facts or emotions? Is this person credible?

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