Monday, January 23, 2017

Henry David Thoreau

You've probably heard of this guy, and maybe a few of you have actually read some of his work. You will be reading "Civil Disobedience" this week. The link for that is on the Spring Syllabus page, or you can just google it. There are several copies available for free online. This is the man to inspire Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr, and even Don Henley of The Eagles. He was part of a movement known as Transcendentalism, which we will discuss a little bit more next week, but simply, it reflected an era where women's rights, abolitionists, and nature lovers sought a simple and meaningful life shunning luxuries for simple walks and minimalism. Sound familiar? If not, watch an episode of HGTV's Tiny Houses to see this in action. Or if you aren't an avid fan of HGTV, try Duck Dynasty. :)

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