Monday, March 20, 2017

Vocabulary Words- March


Since there are either absences or lost vocabulary handouts, I'm going to place them online from now on. We will still go over them in class, but hopefully, this will help all of you to keep track of our words.

Here are the words for March:

Lesson 1: 
brusque (adj.) Slightly rude in speech or manner (My grandfather can be brusque and impatient.)

hone (v.) to make more pointed (My appetite was honed by fresh air and exercise.)

espouse (v.) to support (The politician espoused the president's opinions and worked to help get the bill passed.)

odious (adj.) extremely unpleasant (Charles was assigned the odious task of laying off the entire division.)

posterity (n.) all future generations (At Ground Zero in New York, victims names are read aloud each year for the sake of posterity.)

Lesson 2: 
transgress (v.) to break a rule of boundary (There are legal consequences for companies that transgress labor laws.)

lithe (adj.) having a long or flexible quality (The ballerina's lithe body seemed to defy the laws of physics.)

saccharin (adj.) artificially sweet (My mother-in-law's saccharin smile convinced me that she was lying.)

aloof (adj.) emotionally uninvolved (The co-workers at my new job were polite, but somewhat aloof.)

traverse (v.)to travel across or through (I traversed the tangle of picnic tables as I made my way through the food festival.)

Lesson 3: 
sacrosanct (adj.) regarded as too important to be changed/interfered with (An individual's freedom of speech is held as sacrosanct in the U.S.

livid (adj.) extremely angry (The Hollywood starlet was livid at being left off the guest list.)

opaque (adj.) not able to be seen through; not transparent (The opaque glass used in the bathroom ensured people's privacy.

trite (adj.) lacking originality or flair (A good writer works to avoid trite ideas.)

opulent (adj.) showing great wealth and luxury (The prom couples enjoyed the opulent comfort of their limousine.)

Tomorrow, we will go over these in class and have a little fun with them. Also, remember to be through the second part of F451. My book says that's page 107. There was no writing assignment due for tomorrow, but you will be writing four academic paragraphs this week towards your research paper. That's less than a paragraph a day, but it will knock out about 1/4 of your research paper due mid-May. If you are struggling, I am happy to help! Don't suffer alone. Tell me where you are needing more assistance. You can email me, leave messages on this blog, or see me after class for extra time. I will allow the last fifteen minutes of each class time to answer questions about the research paper, so feel free to ask questions. If you need some extra help, chances are your classmates do too. I will also bring in my computer to answer any formatting questions. It's easier for me to show you than to explain some steps on Word or Pages. 

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