Thursday, April 27, 2017

May 2nd

Hi Class,

We have finished our SAT prep for the year and we are down to our final three classes. Our focus in May will be literary analysis, which will be helpful for those moving on to college, those preparing for the American literature course, and those developing critical thinking skills. Most of our traditional writing will focus on finishing up the research papers, which are due May 16th. We may have some short writings in class, but these will be more reflective in nature.  Since we are finished with our vocabulary and other essays, spend some time really reading our text. Dig deep. I'd like you to read at least 1/3 to 1/2 of this text, or listen to it on Audible. (This will be the way I will enjoy this text!)

Also, as we work on our analysis, remember that music lyrics are wonderful tools for practice. Bring in the name and artist of a song that is meaningful to you, one that you think is really deep, or one that confuses you.  We will work on explicating (breaking it down for interpretation).

Dr. Hazell has confirmed that he will be there for our May 16th class, around 11 am. He will bring in his guitar and sing for us, which is a real treat. He's pretty darn talented. He can play you some old country songs or Nirvana and Pearl Jam. :) And he can talk to you about his college classes at CTC or the high school class this fall in European History. I will have my son, Ryan, bring in some pizzas for us and we can just enjoy that last day. You have worked so hard this year! I promise you, you have read more, written more, and learned more than most kids in a traditional classroom, and we only meet once a week! I love to look back at your early essays and compare them to the ones you are writing now. Be proud. You have all made great strides!

Also, our next class is the first week of the month, so the last tuition payment is due.

If you have any questions, let me know!

Monday, April 24, 2017

April 25th

Class today will be more practice for the SAT essay. We will also have our vocabulary quiz unless you have written the words into a short story or paragraph. :)

Just so that you are aware, our last day of class is May 16th. I do have a special treat for you this day. We will have my friend and mentor, Dr. Hazell come in and play guitar and sing the last half hour of class. Those of you interested in his European History class will have an opportunity to meet him. If your parents would like to visit with him or ask questions about that class, he will stay a half hour after class to meet them.

I will have parent conferences the following week. If your parents are interested in coming in, please let me know and we can arrange a time for them to come in. Parents who prefer to meet another time or even have a phone conference are welcome to do that also. I know it can be tough juggling small kids and other homeschooling responsibilities. I'm flexible here.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

For April 18th

Please continue working on your research papers. Many of you are finishing up this project, but a few of you still have some work to do. No sweat! We still have time! If you have less than six pages, please write three paragraphs this week. Those of you over six pages, write two. If you have finished your writing, begin working on your works cited page. These papers are almost over!

If you would like some feedback on your SAT prompt, bring it to me Tuesday (for those of you that missed class) and I will be happy look it over. Those that took this in class with me last Tuesday will have their feedback this week.  I know a few of you are looking at taking the TSI or SAT soon. I will be offering a workshop for six students to come prep for that essay early May. This will be a three-day workshop that will have you writing an essay each day. It will be intense, but hopefully profitable. Your scores can certainly improve! This workshop will be free, but I will have this workshop in Harker Heights, at my home. Jennifer Juliano will also be on hand to provide help with the math portion. If this is something you are interested in, please let me know.

Please continue reading The Hobbit. We will finish this book by the end of the month. Pay attention to the political structures. What do you think Tolkien is saying? Do you see Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey?

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Use this link and follow the directions for the SAT essay prompt.

April 11th- Bad Weather!


If you live in flood prone areas, please stay tuned for our assignment to post later today on the blog. Do not drive on unsafe roads! Today's class is optional. I will try to make it in today from Harker Heights, but if I run into flooding, I will turn around. Please be safe!


Monday, April 10, 2017

Fake News list

I came across this great list today. If you have Facebook, you will probably recognize a lot these. Scroll past the definitions to the long list of confirmed biased, fake, or unreliable news sources.

In Class Essay


Tomorrow we will work on an in-class essay for TSI and SAT preparation. I will give you some pointers on how to raise your score, what you really want to include, and how to do your best on these evaluations. I know a few of you are preparing for dual enrollment, SAT and ACT exams, and college. I will spend about half an hour giving you my best tips for success. You will then have 50 minutes to respond to the essay prompt I will hand out. Please bring paper and something to write with.


P.S. The good news is, after this month, you will have little writing left to do! However, we sure have covered quite a bit! Be proud of all the work you have done this year. I assure you, it is much more work than you would have in a public school classroom. And if you have managed to keep up with me this far, you will likely do just fine in a Freshman Composition class in college.  If you know you are planning on dual credit this fall for English composition, come chat with me. I have a good friend that teaches English at CTC on Fort Hood and he'd be happy to have you in class. I've sent my own son to him and even took classes with him myself. He's a fantastic teacher!

Monday, April 3, 2017

April Vocabulary Words

Here are April's vocabulary words--your final month of vocabulary!

1. Nullify--to make of no use

2. Labyrinth--a complicated, irregular work of passages or paths

3. Reprehensible--deserving censure or condemnation

4. Blatant--completely lacking in subtlety

5. Plausible--seeming reasonable or probable

6.Reprieve--cancellation or delay of a punishment

7. Enshroud--to cover completely

8. Tedium--the state of being slow, long, or dull

9. Plethora--a large number of something, almost to excess

10. Blithe--showing a casual or cheerful indifference

11. Lackluster--lacking in vitality, force, or conviction

12. Temper--to strengthen by heating and then cooling

13. Hedonism--the pursuit of pleasure

14. Bolster--support or prop up

15. Lament--to express one's deep grief

April Tuition


Just a reminder that April tuition is due tomorrow.