Monday, April 24, 2017

April 25th

Class today will be more practice for the SAT essay. We will also have our vocabulary quiz unless you have written the words into a short story or paragraph. :)

Just so that you are aware, our last day of class is May 16th. I do have a special treat for you this day. We will have my friend and mentor, Dr. Hazell come in and play guitar and sing the last half hour of class. Those of you interested in his European History class will have an opportunity to meet him. If your parents would like to visit with him or ask questions about that class, he will stay a half hour after class to meet them.

I will have parent conferences the following week. If your parents are interested in coming in, please let me know and we can arrange a time for them to come in. Parents who prefer to meet another time or even have a phone conference are welcome to do that also. I know it can be tough juggling small kids and other homeschooling responsibilities. I'm flexible here.

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