Monday, April 3, 2017

April Vocabulary Words

Here are April's vocabulary words--your final month of vocabulary!

1. Nullify--to make of no use

2. Labyrinth--a complicated, irregular work of passages or paths

3. Reprehensible--deserving censure or condemnation

4. Blatant--completely lacking in subtlety

5. Plausible--seeming reasonable or probable

6.Reprieve--cancellation or delay of a punishment

7. Enshroud--to cover completely

8. Tedium--the state of being slow, long, or dull

9. Plethora--a large number of something, almost to excess

10. Blithe--showing a casual or cheerful indifference

11. Lackluster--lacking in vitality, force, or conviction

12. Temper--to strengthen by heating and then cooling

13. Hedonism--the pursuit of pleasure

14. Bolster--support or prop up

15. Lament--to express one's deep grief

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